Remember the QWERTYFEST 2024 Typewriter Auction?!
QWERTYFEST 2024 Schedule
(Click on text in red for more detailed information)
Friday, June 21: Typewriter Ball at Turner Hall (1040 Vel R. Phillips Ave.)
Doors at 5pm.
5pm: DJ Swing Shift
6:15pm: The Quick Brown Fox Typing Contest
6:30pm: Wendy Markus presents: Measures of Escapement
7pm: The Clackathon
8:30pm: Boston Typewriter Orchestra
Plus! 12 vendors!
Activity areas:
DarkFusion Systems Gaming Lounge
OnMilwaukee Typing Stations
Splendid Mailbox mailing station
The QWERTYFEST Typewriter Silent Auction
Tickets ($15): QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Saturday, June 22: QWERTYFEST at Charles Allis Art Museum (1801 N. Prospect Ave.) 11am-4pm.
11-12: Amy Waldman, “Hacks for the Stacks: A Brief Guide to MPL Resources for QWERTYpes”
12-1pm: Tea Krulos, “Wisconsin’s Dragon Horde of Fantasy Writing” w/ guest Ben Riggs, author of Slaying the Dragon: A Secret History of Dungeons & Dragons
1-2pm: Music and poetry performance by Bryon Cherry/ lunch break
2pm: Kristina Gómez, “Business Plans for Creatives”
3pm: "Revolution Forever," keynote presentation: Richard Polt, author of The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist’s Companion for the 21st Century
Presentations are free, but because of limited capacity, you must register here: QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Noon: "Typewriter 101," Lisa Floading
1pm: "Creative Writing," Kro, the Traveling Typist
Workshops are $10 each and very limited capacity available here: QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Saturday, June 22: The Whisky Type Party at Great Lakes Distillery (616 W. Virginia Ave.) Starts at 7pm.
Join us for a casual get together in Great Lakes Distillery's distillery room. Food and drink available for purchase. Special guest Carolyn Wynnack, will tell us about her creation, The Whisky Type website, which explores her love of whisk(e)y and typewriters, magic at the confluence of oak and ink. Plus a musical performance by Vox Starling. BYOT (bring your own typewriter) as we'll have some fun writing prompts.
Sunday, June 23
The QWERTY Journey Tour, 11am and 2pm, Forest Home Cemetery (2405 W. Forest Home Ave.)
How many know that Milwaukee in the 1860’s and 70’s was Silicon Valley for the development of the typewriter and other writing machines? Come on a QWERTYFEST tour to learn about the enduring legacy of Milwaukee inventors and purveyors of the written word. This year is also special as it marks the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the memorial to typewriter inventor Christopher Latham Sholes at his gravesite on June 7, 1924. Tour starts at the Halls of History building.
Tour tickets are $15, available here: QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Typewriter Brunch Open Jam, 11am-2pm, X-Ray Arcade (5036 S. Packard Ave., Cudahy)
This is a free event (no registration required) that is open to anyone who wants to bring their typewriter, pen and paper, Scrabble board (or just yourself). We'll have some optional writing prompts. X-Ray Arcade will have food and drinks available (as well as a great line-up of arcade games), so please support our hosts by ordering something.
Mapping the Qwertyverse, 3pm, Milwaukee Central Library, Rare Books Room (2nd Floor, 814 W. Wisconsin Ave.)
The Qwertyverse is a collaboration by UWM's College of Letters and Science, UWM Libraries, and QWERTYFEST MKE. The mapping and archive project, directed by Professor Jason Puskar, includes a wide range of historical artifacts and contemporary reflections, ranging from digitized documents from the original inventors to oral histories with modern typists. It also maps locations in Milwaukee where the inventors lived and worked, and one day we hope it will map the spread of QWERTY around the globe. This is a living archive that we hope will grow and develop over the years ahead. We welcome your suggestions, items for inclusion, or ideas for improvement. Visit us in the Rare Books Room on the second floor of Central Library at 3pm for a free event, where project collaborators will show archived items, locations mapped so far, and answer questions about the project. You can enter The Qwertyverse here: Welcome · The Qwertyverse · UWM L&S Omeka
Free, no registration required.
Open House with AP3, 4pm, Charles Allis Art Museum (1801 N. Prospect Ave.)
We're closing out QF weekend with a fun crafting event, partnering with our friends Anchor Press, Paper and Print at the historic Charles Allis Art Museum. We'll have stamps, typewriters, paper, and other items to make cards, prints, and stationary. Snacks and drinks available.
Free, no registration required.
Thanks to our sponsors: OnMilwaukee, 91.7FM WMSE
Retrospekt, Awkward Nerd Events, Woodland Pattern Book Center, DarkFusion Systems
Friday, June 21: Typewriter Ball at Turner Hall (1040 Vel R. Phillips Ave.)
Doors at 5pm.
5pm: DJ Swing Shift
6:15pm: The Quick Brown Fox Typing Contest
6:30pm: Wendy Markus presents: Measures of Escapement
7pm: The Clackathon
8:30pm: Boston Typewriter Orchestra
Plus! 12 vendors!
Activity areas:
DarkFusion Systems Gaming Lounge
OnMilwaukee Typing Stations
Splendid Mailbox mailing station
The QWERTYFEST Typewriter Silent Auction
Tickets ($15): QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Saturday, June 22: QWERTYFEST at Charles Allis Art Museum (1801 N. Prospect Ave.) 11am-4pm.
11-12: Amy Waldman, “Hacks for the Stacks: A Brief Guide to MPL Resources for QWERTYpes”
12-1pm: Tea Krulos, “Wisconsin’s Dragon Horde of Fantasy Writing” w/ guest Ben Riggs, author of Slaying the Dragon: A Secret History of Dungeons & Dragons
1-2pm: Music and poetry performance by Bryon Cherry/ lunch break
2pm: Kristina Gómez, “Business Plans for Creatives”
3pm: "Revolution Forever," keynote presentation: Richard Polt, author of The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist’s Companion for the 21st Century
Presentations are free, but because of limited capacity, you must register here: QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Noon: "Typewriter 101," Lisa Floading
1pm: "Creative Writing," Kro, the Traveling Typist
Workshops are $10 each and very limited capacity available here: QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Saturday, June 22: The Whisky Type Party at Great Lakes Distillery (616 W. Virginia Ave.) Starts at 7pm.
Join us for a casual get together in Great Lakes Distillery's distillery room. Food and drink available for purchase. Special guest Carolyn Wynnack, will tell us about her creation, The Whisky Type website, which explores her love of whisk(e)y and typewriters, magic at the confluence of oak and ink. Plus a musical performance by Vox Starling. BYOT (bring your own typewriter) as we'll have some fun writing prompts.
Sunday, June 23
The QWERTY Journey Tour, 11am and 2pm, Forest Home Cemetery (2405 W. Forest Home Ave.)
How many know that Milwaukee in the 1860’s and 70’s was Silicon Valley for the development of the typewriter and other writing machines? Come on a QWERTYFEST tour to learn about the enduring legacy of Milwaukee inventors and purveyors of the written word. This year is also special as it marks the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the memorial to typewriter inventor Christopher Latham Sholes at his gravesite on June 7, 1924. Tour starts at the Halls of History building.
Tour tickets are $15, available here: QWERTYFEST MKE 2024 | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud
Typewriter Brunch Open Jam, 11am-2pm, X-Ray Arcade (5036 S. Packard Ave., Cudahy)
This is a free event (no registration required) that is open to anyone who wants to bring their typewriter, pen and paper, Scrabble board (or just yourself). We'll have some optional writing prompts. X-Ray Arcade will have food and drinks available (as well as a great line-up of arcade games), so please support our hosts by ordering something.
Mapping the Qwertyverse, 3pm, Milwaukee Central Library, Rare Books Room (2nd Floor, 814 W. Wisconsin Ave.)
The Qwertyverse is a collaboration by UWM's College of Letters and Science, UWM Libraries, and QWERTYFEST MKE. The mapping and archive project, directed by Professor Jason Puskar, includes a wide range of historical artifacts and contemporary reflections, ranging from digitized documents from the original inventors to oral histories with modern typists. It also maps locations in Milwaukee where the inventors lived and worked, and one day we hope it will map the spread of QWERTY around the globe. This is a living archive that we hope will grow and develop over the years ahead. We welcome your suggestions, items for inclusion, or ideas for improvement. Visit us in the Rare Books Room on the second floor of Central Library at 3pm for a free event, where project collaborators will show archived items, locations mapped so far, and answer questions about the project. You can enter The Qwertyverse here: Welcome · The Qwertyverse · UWM L&S Omeka
Free, no registration required.
Open House with AP3, 4pm, Charles Allis Art Museum (1801 N. Prospect Ave.)
We're closing out QF weekend with a fun crafting event, partnering with our friends Anchor Press, Paper and Print at the historic Charles Allis Art Museum. We'll have stamps, typewriters, paper, and other items to make cards, prints, and stationary. Snacks and drinks available.
Free, no registration required.
Thanks to our sponsors: OnMilwaukee, 91.7FM WMSE
Retrospekt, Awkward Nerd Events, Woodland Pattern Book Center, DarkFusion Systems